Saturday 19 January 2013

Do Cosmetics Equal Confidence?

Hi Guys, 

Welcome to the first entry of my blog, of which I hope many will follow. For my first post I felt it would be best to express the reasons behind the start up of my blog and share some background information on myself. 

With the beauty industry booming, people want to look (and feel) better than they ever have. I found that from living the city life over four years I  became drawn to new products, methods and looks which I would have never previously had the courage to take on before. I took inspiration from passers by, make up counters and magazines and my love for all things that make-a-girl-up began.

I grew up in a small town, and moved to an even smaller village before turning to city life for higher education. My area did not have many places to shop, and high end beauty products were difficult to get hold of in my hometown. From a young age I went from a tomboy, to a teenager who was useless with her looks. I had little to work with, little inspiration and to be honest little hope with my elder sister knowing even less than I did. I was introduced to the world of beauty by my aunt, an experienced high level beautician. This new world taught me that no matter how you felt, giving yourself a little attention would create the smallest pick-me-up and change your mood. 

In the words of Yyves-Saint Laurent "The most beautiful makeup for a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy"

I went into University a plain jane, as well as an unfortunate hair cut I had never worn lipstick or blusher and the only make up I owned was a pencil eyeliner and foundation from the days of teenage skin. I took particular interest from many of the girls around me at University, the make up they wore, how they did their hair and the confidence some of them carried through. As time went on I began to experiment with cosmetics, skin care, hair tools and hair products. 

Moving forward my looks have evolved and this has had a knock on effect in my confidence, which shows on the inside and out. I have come across many who feel appearance compromises brains, if you spend so much time looking after your looks you can not be spending enough time on the things that matter but I have to say I strongly disagree. Spending just 15 minutes longer on myself in the morning makes me feel fresher, and allows me to start my day with a better perspective; which I try to carry throughout. I have never compromised learning for my hobby if anything I feel they have gone hand in hand, and my confidence allowed me to gain a better social perspective and feel comfortable in my own skin in a new world with new people. This in turn gave me the courage to take on new and exciting challenges both within my education and now in my day-job.

Don't get me wrong, every individual has their day off; hair scraped back no or minimal make up and a PJ day are needed However, once I step out of my house the simple tinted moisturiser and a touch of bronzer for shopping to smokey eyes and volumised hair for drinks with the girls can instantly change both my look and feel. 

In my future blogs I will aim to discuss some new products I have come across, including picks of my favourites, new methods and looks as well as developing my knowledge about the world of beauty and asking my readers to share their tips and views with me. I hope you will continue to show interest in my future posts and support me on my journey of becoming an aspiring beautician. It won't happen over night, but watch this space.

For now I ask all my readers one question do you think cosmetics can give you a confidence boost?

Please feel free to post any skin care tips, products or comments you may have which could benefit others.