Sunday 26 October 2014

No More Raised Eyebrows

Hey Girls, 

Following on from the success of my latest post on hair growth, I have decided to go for something similar and this time cover brows. 

Its taken me a while to get the fullness & shape
but it has been worthwhile

Over recent years especially, eyebrows have become an important focus in make up and grooming. They can frame your face, and complete and change an entire look if done the correct way. I recently took a course and I am qualified now to do the ‘7 step celeb brow’ which is very similar to a number of the better known, and branded eyebrow regimes out there (possibly a little more cost efficient). It follows all the steps it takes for perfectly groomed brows. 

My brows are something a number of my instagram followers, and friends compliment me on often, but they used to be two shapeless thin lines! So how did I do it? 

Well here are a few things I did to grow them: 

  • I stopped having my eyebrows regularly threaded, and decided to take a break to grow them out
  • Using tweezers in between if absolutely necessary, but try not to touch them more than once a week, and DON'T over pluck- strays only!
  • My secret ingredient to growing my brows has been Castor Oil... seriously go buy a tub NOW! it has made my eyebrows thicker, and enabled me to grow them into a more appealing shape

The Growth
Before: Shapeless, over threaded &thin
After: Arched and thick with definition
I use castor oil £1.45 (with mink oil) every evening after removing my make-up, the smallest amount is needed as its of quite a thick consistency, just use fingers to evenly spread over the eyebrow area. I saw a difference within the space of two weeks of doing this. I have never tried pure castor oil as of yet, that may be my next step, but so far castor oil with mink oil has worked well for me.

The Shaping Products
Like with any hair growth, whether its in between a wax or haircut you have the period where your eyebrows look unruley but the trick is brow powder! I swear by the nyx eyebrow powder, its cheap and cheerful and really helps make your eyebrows “look” tamed even when they aren’t perfect. I usually just tweeze any obvious hairs outside of the shape once I have filled them in. The trick to applying the powder to look natural is of course an angled brush, and a light hand (don't get too excited with the amount of product on the brush). 

Maintenance  & Presentation
Now my eyebrows have grown out, I shape them once every two weeks (using the threading technique). On a day to day basis I use my NYX brow powder (£13.50), and for those special occasions I have been using Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Promade in Ebony (£13.00). This product has had some AMAZING reviews from top bloggers, so of course I had to get my hands on it.  I luckily had a friend willing to pick it up on a trip from America, but it is now also available at cult beauty online for those in the UK. I have to say, it takes some time to get used to, and the first few times I didn’t like it as it was thick and heavy and a bit ‘scouse brow’ but now I have been able to perfect the technique of limiting the product on my brush and blending out as much as possible I love LOve LOVE it! 

So guys its that simple... castor oil, brow filler and lay off the shaping for a few months and it really does make a difference, believe me when I say its worth it! Remember theres a thin line between groomed, and marker pen brows- those are not so hot, so try and maintain your look to keep it as natural as possible. 

Do you have any brow shaping tips and favourite products? Share them below... 

K xx
Please feel free to post any skin care tips, products or comments you may have which could benefit others. 

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