Monday 28 January 2013

Skincare: Is It A Girl Thing?

This week I have decided to go back to basics and focus on what I feel is the most important part of make-up; skincare. Looking after your skin is the basis of any beauty regime, this will reflect whether you decide to apply make up or are having a day off and ditching the foundation.  Once you have cracked your perfect skin routine it its like hitting a goldmine. 

Skincare is an underestimated part of daily routine for many, it is especially important if you lead a busy life, or breakout due to weather, stress, or skin type. It is important to experiment with products and brands before you get the results you want. 
My 3 top tips for healthy skin : 
  •   A good diet is key
  • Don’t cheat in your beauty routine
  • Tea tree oil is your saviour 

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Healthy inside and out
It may seem obvious, but if you arent eating right, or keeping yourself hydrated with plenty of water then this will reflect on your skin. I am sure you have all had the hefty weekend; alcohol, a hangover diet, and to go with it rough feeling skin. Like most I learnt this the hard way; as a chubby teenager who binged on fizzy drinks and an unhealthy diet I was faced with terrible spots and unhealthy and uneven skin. I  now try to drink as much water as I can throughout the day, carrying a bottle of water with me in my bag encourages me to get into a habit of drinking it any chance I get. 

Don’t Cheat: Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise 
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By avoiding cheats I mean take your make up off every night, no mater how tired or lazy you are feeling; make up left on your skin can allow dirt to build up in your pores. Take your make up off in the gym, seriously, no guy is going to like the sweaty running foundation and panda eyes so clear it all off before you work out because the sweat and make up will only anger your skin. Don’t wash your make up off with water, this is such a no-no, invest in some wipes or remover, they don’t have to be very expensive in order to be effective. 
One of my favourite brands for skincare products is Clinique, which works well for both females and males. Although this brand may not be for everybody, I have found the “blemish prone” range cleared up my teenage skin and I have now moved on to the combination skin range, which is continuing to work wonders. Although I speak highly of the cleansers and toners I am not a big fan of the moisturiser. 
Moisuturisers  are my biggest beauty nightmare. I have still not come across what I would class as “my perfect moisturiser.” Currently I am relying on the good old fashioned E45, which has never let me down. With skin that tends to get very dry, it helps to smooth rough areas, it’s also lightweight as apposed to some thick and heavy feeling moisturisers. 
Using a scrub one or twice a week can brighten and smooth skin when it is feeling rough. For blackheads I cannot stress the importance of a scrub, just twice a week in circular motions where the blackheads appear will help smooth the skin and clear the blackheads. My new beauty find is The Body Shop’s microdermabrasion Vitamin C scrub. After using this my skin feels instantly refreshed and smooth for up to three days.

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Tea Tree Oil
I will never get tired of mentioning this; Tea Tree Oil is your best friend. Just this week I had a big skin break out, within 48 hours it went from being unmissable to unoticable thanks to my trusty little bottle, which only costs £3 in superdrug. You can buy either pure tea tree oil, or the distiled version that can be applied directly. I have used both, and I can't say one works better than the other. Although the bottle is small, only one drop is needed at a time so it lasts a long time. 

As a female I consider myself lucky as most skin imperfections can be covered if needed. Clear skin acts as a basis for those who wear make up, it is also a healthy reflection for those who want to feel comfortable in their own skin. For men it is especially important to take care as regular shaves and hair removal on the face can often aggravate the skin, if this is ignored (which often happens) it can only be made worse. I have heard many males say "girls are lucky, they can cover blemishes." I ask my readers the following question: 

 Do you think clear skin is as important to males as it is for females?

Please feel free to post any skin care tips, products or comments you may have which could benefit others.