Sunday 10 February 2013

Faking It: Has Natural Lost It’s Touch?

Hi Beauty Lovers, 

I wanted to use this blog to highlight a few of my favourite back to basic eye make up products, and also have a little rant about “faking it.” Just recently I have conversed with many in regards to fake lashes, drawn on and tattooed brows, lip fillers, botox and more. It feels as though TV shows such as TOWIE, Desperate Scouseives and Geordie Shore have brought forward trends which encourage both females and males to “fake” part of their appearance. Personally I feel natural is always in, its classic and will never make you look back and think “oh god, what was I thinking?.”

All of us do it whether it be a subtle change such as false lashes, hair extensions, heavy make up or a fake tan to bigger changes such as coloured contact lenses, or dying your hair. About a year ago I had hair extensions, coloured lenses, fake nails, and lashes. To be honest it was a lot of time, effort and expense to maintain. As time has moved on I have come up with alternative ways of working with my make up to get the results I want, without having to resort in drastic measures. 

My biggest fear has always been false eyelashes, the main reason being the fiddly bit; eyelash glue everywhere and in a bad mood I go. If you are using  false eyelashes I would highly recommend Revlon glue, it dries clear rather than white and is much better than the little tubes included in a lash pack. Although I think lashes enhance a look, I feel investing in some good mascaras can also do a great job.

My go-to with lashes would have to be Chanel Inimitable Waterproof mascara in black (£23) and Lancome Cils Booster (£21). Although they are a little on the expensive side they have pulled me away from fake eyelashes and I have never looked back. A coat of the Lancome Cils Booster as a lash primer gives an instant volume and length boost. I use the Chanel Inimitable on top to coat the lashes and add more volume without clumping. I have tried many mascaras and this combination is my favourite for a volumised look. I am lucky enough to have naturally long and curly eyelashes, so I tend not to wear much mascara in the day, however for evening and night make up looks these are perfect. 

The eyebrow definition trend is one which I feel many have gotten horribly wrong, it all comes down to the tools and technique. I shade my brows to enhance my natural eyebrow shape and add a little definition. I have recently invested in Benefits Brow-Zings kit in dark (£22.50). It was a tad more expensive than other gels, pencils and shadows I have used but has given the best results and most natural look. The end result is natural looking eyebrows with soft lines and blended colour. Harsh lines and bold colour should definitely be avoided unless you are going for the “scouse brow” look. A good angled brush is key, although the kit comes with a brush and tweezers I use the ecotools angled brush, which is available from Boots. 

It seems the trends of harsh brows, big lashes, layers of make up, and so much more are on going, however more dramatic treatments are also becoming the norm. We are in an era where a chemical peel can be done over a lunch break, or botox parties are the new social scene; it seems there is no end to how far some will go for the "perfect" image. I have had discussions with male friends who have voiced the opinion that they no longer know what females really look like, and natural beauty no longer exists. 

 Do you think natural has lost its touch?  

Please feel free to post any skin care tips, products or comments you may have which could benefit others.