Sunday 11 May 2014

Now You See It, Now You Don't

Hey guys, so seeing as I have decided to only blog about items I think are worth talking about I have decided to use my time to cover a topic which is slightly embarrassing for some, but something that is so common amongst females and an experience worth sharing. 

I recently decided to have laser on my face to get rid of some unwanted hair, I did my research and went for a few consultations with many salons only offering IPL. I am Asian, therefore I have medium tone skin and dark coarse hairs which can be a bit obvious and embarrassing if you don't remove them appropriately. I was sick of my Sunday hair removed routine, and decided to take the plunge and go for it. 

A friend of mine has recently opened a skin clinic in St Albans, so I went along for a consultation. The Skin Shop and Clinic was great, made me feel comfortable, explained all the details and I had a little patch test. Jane (my laser consultant) also explained the different types of laser and what works best with my hair type and skin combination, something not many other places did as they were more fixitated on getting me to book in a session with them instead. 

The laser Jane recommended for me is called Saprano Ice. The laser is paired with a cooling process, so overall my sessions feel like she is rubbing a ice pack over my face, I rarely feel any heat and if and when I do I let her know and she will repeat the cooling process. I have never felt any pain during any of my sessions. 

Each of my sessions lasted from around 15-20 minutes. I started to see results within my 3rd session, and I have to admit there is a large amount of hair I havn't seen again since then. The one thing I know everyone dreads is the hair removal in between, yes I did have to shave, but my results started to show so quickly that I have actually only needed to do it 3 times or so over the period of 6 months. 

I can not vouch this particular laser would work for absolutely everyone, but if you can get a consultation for it and it's suitable for your skin and hair type I would definitely say its worth the money and to go for it. However there are a few things I would like to stress when thinking about getting laser done: 

Image Source: Orchid Spa website
  • Don’t think the process is going to get rid of everything but have expectation that it will slow down growth. 

  • There is a chance that hair which was less noticeable before will become more obvious as other areas clear. This has actually happened to me but I think its purely psychological. 

  • Nothing is permanent and there is always a chance the hair may return, so think wisely before spending your money. 

I can not recommend both the Saprano Ice laser treatment and the skin shop and clinic enough. They have really helped with a slightly inconvenient and embarrassing problem and I can not believe the reduction in my hair. Although there is still some hair, I would predict about 90% reduction to before in the areas which I showed the most concern. The biggest downfall for me has been that I am noticing hair which I never did before,I am not sure if this is down to the hair removal in between or because some areas are so clear. As it is a costly process I really don’t want to part with the funding again, but I am pleased I have been able to banish the most troublesome areas. 

Have you had an experience with hair removal you would like to share? If so, post below! 
K xx
Please feel free to post any skin care tips, products or comments you may have which could benefit others. 


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