Saturday 28 June 2014

Who Run's The World?

Hey Guys, 

Its been a hectic few weeks in both work and play, but I wanted to write a blog post about some of the things I have been involved with recently. 

A few weeks ago I worked with two very inspirational women, and the brains, beauty and banter behind successful UK lifestyle blog Breathe Happiness. Hayley is the success behind online store Southwood Stores, the UK’s only stockist of american casual clothing brand Hello Apparel and  Shaneen is the eyes behind the lens of Rosewarne Cox Photography

Photography by Rosewarne Cox Photography for
Breathe Happiness
We worked together with two models to shoot for Hello Apparel to be featured online at Southwood Studios. This was honestly one of the most relaxing and fun atmospheres I have had the joys of working in. I love meeting like minded individuals, and both these ladies inspired me to keep working hard at what I do and love so much, as well as sticking to my love or hate honest nature in the process. 

I can’t wait to share images from the shoot, but for now you will have to deal with a few sneak peaks and behind the scenes until the final pics can be released! Take a look at the Breath Happiness blogpost featuring the shoot here

Photography by Josh Daniels
Make up by me 
The second event I took part in last week was working backstage with Make Up Artists Jay Gill and Urvashi Patel from The Beauty Fix. The show presented the talents of Bedfordshire College students and the results were beyond drawdropping. There was also a soft launch of upcoming designers Kian-E and Aywa. The bubbly and beautiful models were supplied by The Model's Portal (TMP) and it was a pleasure working with them. 

One of my favourite outfits
at the show.
Photography by Josh Daniels
Make Up by Me
Now in the past I had a bad experience of a show in a similar industry (as some of you know from a past post), so I have been sceptical of heading in the same direction again. However, I have worked with Aneesa (organiser of the show, director of Kian-e and tutor at Bedfordshire College) in the past. I can honestly say her hard work, dedication and personable nature shined through the whole event from start to finish with seamless results. I will Aneesa and all of the future designers all the best as they continue their journey- these guys will go far! 

I think these past few weeks have showed me that if you do have a passion for something creative, as hard as it may seem to lift off the ground you should go for it and eventually the hard work will pay off. In a world and culture where I have seen women holding back from what they want to do, it felt liberating to meet so many successful women on the same path as me. 

Do you have a creative side you would like to share? 
K xx
Please feel free to post any skin care tips, products or comments you may have which could benefit others. 

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