Sunday 2 August 2015

Bronzed Beauty

Hey Girls, 

I apologise for  blogging gap, wedding season is amongst us its getting hard to get any time

in! However, as promised on my instagram page I wanted to post about the new product I have been testing; St. Tropez In Shower Gradual Tan

So a few things before I give my views on this product, yes I know I am already "tanned" but even as an Indian girl my colour needs a top up in between holidays, and as a fair skinned Indian it takes a lot of sun for me to catch a good colour. Most of you will see from my social media moans that I am not having any sunny holidays this year so I had to find an alternative. 

I have tried a spray tan once or twice but I never managed to achieve the results I wanted, with my main issue being my pasty legs in comparison to my tanned arms I want to be able to achieve a more consistent colour all over. 

I have read both good and bad reviews about this product, but some excellent reviews about St Tropez in general. This product was on sale for £9.50 in Boots, considering most tanning products are quite expensive I felt this was worth the try. 

How Does It Work?

I got into the shower as normal, once my skin was exfoliated and cleansed I rubbed the lotion in circular motions to avoid any patches and washed my hands straight after I covered the areas I wanted to tan. The bottle states this is an "in shower" product, however it is necessary to turn the shower off so the lotion can set in three minutes.

As I have only been using the product on my legs, I usually step out of the shower and use the time to cleanse my face, brush my teeth or wait for my leave in conditioner to do its thing. I don't mind the three minute wait, however this is one of the con's others have mentioned in reviews. I then get back in the shower to rinse off the lotion and dry myself as usual. 

Unfortunately I don't have a 'before' pic but the left pic
shows after four uses and the right taken after seven. As you can
see the colour is try natural, and depend slightly with use.

My Verdict

The best part of the product is that I can go about my day as usual and not worry about getting fake tan on clothing and bedding as the tan darkens as the day goes on, I have also not noticed any streaks which is my worst nightmare.

I have been using the gradual lotion for 10 days now and have seen really good results. As mentioned above my skin is different shades all over so my aim was to get my arms and legs to match colour, which I have definitely achieved. I have not tried this on the rest of my body yet, but I think I will now I have tested it. I used this every day to achieve the results I desired, as it builds up a natural and sun kissed tan with every use. 

The con of this product for me would be the smell; it does not smell unpleasant when applying it but throughout the day the scent gets slightly stronger and I tend to be able to smell it on myself. 

Unfortunately I do not have much to compare this particular product to as my tan is developed in 30 degrees abroad and I have never used any other at home tanning products. I am not quite at the stage of using proper tanning kits just yet, maybe that will be my next step but in the mean time I highly recommend this product to all of those wanting an effortless glow for summer. 

Have you used a tanning product which is outstanding? 

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